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Short Fiction
Ludwig, a young 18th century Prussian nobleman, was destined for the church. A trusted authority figure betrayed him and turned him into a vampire. Now he must face an ancient evil—including an evil that has taken root inside him—and learn who he really is…
And who he really loves.
Vampires in 18th and 19th century Prussia.
Rhapsody in…red?
Becoming sings like a choir of angels accompanied by a wicked underlying basso sostenuto. The prose is at times spiritual and soaring, and other times evocative of unspeakable, irresistible desire.
Villyard harnesses her creativity and comprehensive knowledge of music, religion, and history to craft a story that comes alive (and unalive) on the page in ways that are moving, joyous, and tragic, and ultimately leave the reader thirsting for more.
–Cy on Goodreads
If you enjoy reading historical fiction and short stories, mixed with a little bit of suspense and a lot of fantasy, then I think you’ll definitely want to read BECOMING by Katherine Villyard. I read this short story not knowing anything about it or what to expect. I came away really loving it, though! It is beautifully written and the main character, Ludwig, has such tremendous depth — even though a short story, he is so well developed.