
Coming soon…

I have a book cover, which will be revealed soon. I mean, I haven’t officially paid yet, but I’ve approved it, so I don’t know if They™ want me to show it to you yet, but…

Anthology, baby!

I have a slew of stories that I haven’t been sending out. Seriously, one is from 2006 and I sent it various places for over a decade and got a lot of “I like this but it’s not for us” rejections. So I’m gathering up my sold stories and my...


“If you really want to hurt your parents, and you don’t have the nerve to be gay, the least you can do is go into the arts.”–Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (A Man Without a Country) [Note: I found this in my drafts folder and decided to publish it.] One of...

New Story Available–“Minotaur”

Did I really not post here about my latest story? My story “Minotaur” is available in the Alien Abduction anthology.  Only $5 for the Kindle version, and my aliens are pretty alien.  If you heard me read at the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading at...

Art is never finished, only abandoned.

I expect that I’m about to frustrate a lot of people, but that’s the way it is. Back in 2007, I started a “Hurricane Katrina” story.  I wandered around in my post-apocalyptic Probably New Orleans, got lost, deleted 5,000 words, rewrote it a...

The Broad Universe Sampler

It’s got me and a lot of other awesome women in it, and it’s FREE.  Check out Broad Spectrum: The 2012 Broad Universe Fiction Sampler.  My story starts: Last time this happened, I was Orpheus. Ethan was lost, pale, gone in a haze of Zoloft and Lithium and...

Downloadable scripts

It has come to my attention that WordPress has replaced my quotes with smart quotes, which causes EPIC SCRIPT FAIL.  Therefore, I’ve uploaded downloadable versions of the scripts. Smart quotes inserted, Script fails upon copy-paste. “Smart quotes”...

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