
Woe is me!

My neighbor’s tree decided to play an April Fools joke on me… and my roof. I was sitting in my living room minding my own business when BOOM!!!!!! followed by cats racing around like lunatics, because, as you know, Bob, cats dislike loud noises and are...

Tongue in Cheek Novel Comps

I’m just joking… unless it makes you want to read my book. In that case, I’m DEATHLY SERIOUS. 😉 Interview with the Vampire as written by Faye Kellerman A Discovery of Witches for feminist Jews Only Lovers Left Alive but with a mortal wife and pets...

Goodreads Giveaway!

Want a free copy of my book Love Stories? You can get one through this Goodreads Giveaway! Entry is open from March 1 to March 15. Winners announced on March 15. And hey, while you’re there? Maybe follow me on...

Novel update

So, based on feedback, it’s basically not possible to withhold information from my first person main character narrator and tell the reader. I mean, I feel like it should be! but no matter how sledgehammery I think I’m being, people just don’t get...

I’m in Publisher’s Weekly!

I hear I’m in Publisher’s Weekly today! 😀 I… haven’t seen it, though. Coincidentally, the ebook of the title in question is 99 cents right now most places ebooks are sold. So if you’d like to read it, now is the time to buy it, while...

I’m all over IndieReader!

I’m listed in the Best Reviewed Books for December and, because they gave me 4+ stars, they interviewed me for their site. An excerpt: What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event? Oh, it’s hard to answer this question because it’s a short...

Holy, uh…

I’m a Booklife Editor’s Pick! While Villyard has titled her collection of speculative fictions Love Stories, the theme that binds together these stories—which include elements of fantasy, fairy tale, myth, as well as science fiction—is deeply connected...


Hey! want to buy a really cheap book? The ebook of Love Stories will be on sale for $0.99 next week (but I’ve set it cheaper on Amazon early.) Tell your friends!

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