
Second and third opinions…

I just emailed “Women’s Work”–the current title of the time dilation story–to a friend for comments. I always have to resist the urge to hit “check mail” every ten seconds when I do that. 🙂 Of course, Brian’s seen it...

Wow. 1000+ words!

And they’re good words, according to the S.O. Much, much progress on the time dilation story. All the chunky bits of exposition worked in non-chunkily, and mainly the denoument to go, I think. Heh. He still wants to kill the antagonist. Hopefully she’s...


Well, as far as words written, it’s probably not that impressive, but last night I made a lot of progress on the time dilation story. Math, physics, and characterization progress:I decided the ship was going too fast. I picked a destination, which gave me...

Curses! Foiled Again!

I got a lovely mail-merged rejection note from F&SF. I was under the impression most places used preprinted sheets of paper: “Dear writer, thank you for thinking of us but we cannot use this material at this time. –Editor.” The body of the letter...

Quest for Fire

I just sent “Victual-Seeking Varmints from Outer Space” to F&SF, after much Questing for Fire. The first Kinko’s had a broken printer. The second Kinko’s refused to do an SASE because they only had a meter, not stamps. The post office had a...

time dilation story

I got to work early tonight, sat down to work on an entirely different story, and got a sudden impulse to work on the time dilation story instead. I cut huge wads of it, as is my usual wont. This is why I like having multiple stories in progress. Working on one for...

And, the script answer is…

No. It’s a form no, too. Dear Katherine, Thank you for your Dead Zone script submission. Unfortunately, we did not think “Ethos Anthropos Daimon” was right for us at the time, but we wish you luck in your writing career. Ah well. On the wishful...

Oops. :)

So, we left this morning and I remembered my script to mail… and forgot breakfast and lunch. Oops! Mm, yummy snack machine! ;P

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