

I’ve figured out why the nightmare-based story is proceeding so slowly. I don’t have the rules set for the story universe. It looks like our universe, but any world in which (that would be telling!) is not our world. 🙂 Some time rule-building for the...

New Story in Progress

This weekend I’ve been working on my latest story, which is based on a nightmare I was having on August 29, 2003, right before my mother-in-law woke me up to drive her to the doctor for her broken arm. Yes, I know the date, because we went to Dragoncon right...

Revisions done!

Based on the comments I got back from the fresh pair of eyes and my other friend, “Women’s Work” is officially in circulation. Woohoo! And I’d like to know–why is a SASE such a bizarre concept? The counterpeople always look at me like...

revisions done?

I made my significant otter read my latest version. Then I sent it to someone I caught over IM who is working. That was an hour ago. Is work more important than my fiction? Feed me fe3d m3 feed mme feeD my EGO fEEd me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ I’d IM her to ask if she...

Go, “Varmints,” go!

I received an email saying that “Varmints” had just passed round one of the reading process for that particular publication. Woohoo! *crosses fingers, happy dances* Alas, I wasn’t able to do much editing on “Women’s Work” last...


Jen found much to fix in the time dilation story. Curses, foiled again! 🙂 As far as I can tell the biggest problem is the technology level in the story not being unclear. Well, okay, probably a better way to phrase it would be unclarity in general, which is often my...

Short story update

I sent “Varmints” out to what I thought was a gloriously inappropriate market with a quick turnaround, and yet they have not seen fit to reject me yet. Which goes to show what I know. 😉 I’m trying to decide if “Women’s Work” is...

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