by Katherine Villyard | May 2, 2004 | geekiness, short fiction
Why, no, I haven’t been clicking the Alien Skin site all day waiting for my story to be there. Nor did I go there on my Treo to check while we were out. Why do you ask?
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 27, 2004 | scripts, short fiction
I had a bit of an air-conditioning-related setback. Okay, I really think I had mid-project blues. Anyway, I’ve been behind on my page counts for a few days, but I just did five and feel back on track. That’s what matters, right? I’m really feeling...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 22, 2004 | scripts
I swear the Austin Heart of Film site said May 7 last week, but now I have an extra week to write my script. This is good, because it gives me extra revision room. The more revision room I get, the happier I am. Go ahead. Call me a weirdo. I can take it. And I’m...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 20, 2004 | scripts, short fiction
I managed six script pages in an hour last night, followed by a couple of paragraphs puttering on the recalcitrant nightmare story. I have therefore tentatively decided that four pages a day in hopes of finishing the movie script for Austin is doable. I’m trying...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 19, 2004 | scripts
Austin Film Festival’s screenwriting competition closes on May 7. The movie script is currently 32 pages long. The average film comedy is 90-110 pages long. May 7 is 18 days away. Assuming I would need to write about 60 more pages, that’s a little over 3...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 19, 2004 | life, the universe, and everything, short fiction
That story draft that was so sucktastic? I somehow managed to wrangle a couple of good paragraphs out of it. I thought it was probably “warmer” than the previous draft, and apparently I was right. In other news, I went for a run last night. It was about...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 18, 2004 | reading, scripts, short fiction
I got several funny pages done on the movie script. Hooray! On the other hand, I read a bit of draft for the nightmare story I wrote last week, and it is the suck. Not first draft suck, either. Worse. Woe. Ah well, this is the whole reason to have multiple projects in...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 11, 2004 | scripts
I’ve been writing scripts today. Go figure! I suspect it’s because I wrote the script submission tracker yesterday. Now I need some scripts to put into it. 🙂 I worked on both the movie script and a new TV script. I think they’re both going well....
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 7, 2004 | life, the universe, and everything, short fiction, writing mysticism
This is a very useful link for the nightmare story, even if not all the items apply to the story in question. Also, I think I was writing with the wrong POV character, although I wouldn’t have known that if I hadn’t attempted a draft, since it took me an...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 27, 2004 | short fiction
That extremely silly story I mentioned is now in circulation under the title, “The Captivity of Princess Sallya.” Goe, lyttel storie! Goe! 🙂