
short fiction paradox

One of my stories in progress has just gone in a totally unexpected direction. Which is when the good stuff happens, in my opinion. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that there’s no point in writing if I know how the story is going to end, but a large part of...


Rereading through “Grandfather Paradox,” I think the timeline needs a bit of a twist. I think it’s a bit too linear for this particular tale. And I still think it’s an Analog story, although that’s really Dr. Schmidt’s call and not...

Sallya is safely in New Jersey

I was out at the ROF slush page, and was very pleased to see Sallya. Yay! I’ve been trying not to go and stare until my head explodes, but it’s very reassuring to think that Sallya is really there, and in Carina’s hot little hands. There are...

I know I said this before, but…

…I think this story is an Analog story. Yes, I know I said that about “Corporate Oversight” and Dr. Schmidt proved me wrong, but this time I really mean it. Not the nightmare story. “Grandfather Paradox.” The nightmare story is not loving...

Well, that was fast…

I hate the new title of “Women’s Work.” That was fast. I really hate it. It’s pretentious and it sucks. Titles all suck. They’re evil and hard. Can I just call it “Chicks in Space”? Or, better yet, “the one with two...

Scripty goodness!

Script printed out and bound in #5 Acco brads with cardstock covers as per script custom and Austin Heart of Film rules. I picked a tasteful speckled grey cardstock, for those who care. Now I need to write a two sentence synopsis. Oh, the evil! I loathe summaries!...

script status

The script is much improved, thanks to the divine Misha. It is, however, still a bit short. I plan to write more this weekend and go over the script format with Cole/Haag. I have a week, and am confident that I’ll finish and have it in the mail by then. I took...

first draft of script finished

I’m pretty sure the first draft is finished–I’ve tied up the pressing loose ends–but it’s short. I’ve sent it to my friend Misha for comments, because she is a generous, rocking kind of person and volunteered. I’m pretty sure...

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