by Katherine Villyard | Mar 15, 2006 | scripts
The Austin Film Festival is paying actual real money for their Sci-Fi award this year. Clearly, I should enter. The only problem being that I don’t currently have a Sci-Fi script. *looks at calendar, looks at deadline* May 15. Can I write a Sci-Fi script in two...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 12, 2006 | short fiction
Hi, my name is Katherine, and I’m a self-censor. (“Hi, Katherine!”) It really slows me down, because I get bogged down in resisting what happens in a story. The first draft is not the time to decide whether something is kitsch, or too unpleasant, or...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 24, 2006 | cats, short fiction, writing mysticism
I had two stories in progress when my cat got sick in December, and I hadn’t touched either of them since until today. Well, I just worked on one a little, and I really like it. It’s also 2700 words so far and I don’t think it’s even...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 19, 2005 | short fiction
I’ve finally come up with a title that I don’t hate with the fiery hate of a thousand suns for the Just Not Right story, so it will be hitting the mailbox tonight. Woohoo!
by Katherine Villyard | Nov 24, 2005 | short fiction
My “just not right” story is up at Critters and has already received three critiques. Unsurprisingly, the critiques suggest that I’ve again fallen prey to my most common uncritiqued story problem. I try not to spoon feed readers and let them figure...
by Katherine Villyard | Nov 16, 2005 | short fiction
I just realized this morning why the (former) cliché (challenge) story is moving so slowly: that universe is underdeveloped. The SO mentioned Eric Flint and his 1632 anthologies, and somehow that made me realize that no one could write a story in the (former)...
by Katherine Villyard | Nov 2, 2005 | life, the universe, and everything, novels, short fiction
I was talking to the SO in the car this morning on the way to work about our respective writing projects. He thinks that the problem I’m having with the story formerly for the cliché challenge is that it’s not a short story, it’s a novel....
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 30, 2005 | short fiction
I don’t think I’m going to finish the cliché story in time to send it to Scalzi. I’m barfy, and the story isn’t finished. At this point, the story lacks conflict, and it just kind of stops rather than ends. I think it’s...
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 23, 2005 | short fiction
The first story in the one story a week plan is done, and let me tell you, it’s just not right. 😉 Alas, no, it is not the cliché story. I thought I would have more luck with that one next week, while I’m out of town and bored. I’ve never...
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 2, 2005 | short fiction
The illustration is terribly cute. Go, look!