
On second thought…

…I don’t think NaNoWriMo is what I’m looking for with Lizardfic the novel. NaNoWriMo still might be fun, but… not for Lizardfic. Which means that I need to come up with an outline, and a daily wordcount goal. Otherwise it’ll sit around my...


I may be writing a novel. I received some crits for lizardfic today, and one of the critiquers agrees with Brian that the story might work better at novel-length. I suspect they may be right. Of course, I don’t have time right now. I need to finish this script....

Must. Finish. Script.

The last pages of my script are just grinding out like cement. I don’t know if it’s laptop death trama and the associated rebuild/migrate/etc., the distraction of the new Precious, being busy at work, all of the above, none of the above… In short,...

Unsticking myself.

I’ve been stuck at 75 pages for awhile on Double Feature. Thematically, there are two minor characters who need more to do, and I might need to pad out the end a little with a bit more denouement, so hopefully that’ll do the unsticking trick. I’ve...

Half a page.

That’s how much script I wrote last night. I’m torn between, “Oh, that’s pathetic!” and “Well, at least I wrote.” The answer is to let it go and write tonight. Like any other extended effort (diet, exercise, etc.), you...

Script progress

Twelve pages today, which just about makes up for all the slacking I did this last week. That puts me at sixty pages. Estimating a minimum length of ninety pages, that means I’m 66.7% through. Getting some good advice helped. I may tweak on that 60 pages later....

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