by Katherine Villyard | May 14, 2006 | nanowrimo, novels, scripts
…I don’t think NaNoWriMo is what I’m looking for with Lizardfic the novel. NaNoWriMo still might be fun, but… not for Lizardfic. Which means that I need to come up with an outline, and a daily wordcount goal. Otherwise it’ll sit around my...
by Katherine Villyard | May 13, 2006 | geekiness, nanowrimo, novels, scripts
I may be writing a novel. I received some crits for lizardfic today, and one of the critiquers agrees with Brian that the story might work better at novel-length. I suspect they may be right. Of course, I don’t have time right now. I need to finish this script....
by Katherine Villyard | May 11, 2006 | cats, geekiness, scripts
The last pages of my script are just grinding out like cement. I don’t know if it’s laptop death trama and the associated rebuild/migrate/etc., the distraction of the new Precious, being busy at work, all of the above, none of the above… In short,...
by Katherine Villyard | May 8, 2006 | geekiness, life, the universe, and everything, scripts
Um. Yeah. Laptop died. I kind of took the opportunity to go linux. Which means I had to import the script into Celtx, which I just don’t love as much as Final Draft. I’ll probably try to get Final Draft to work under wine as soon as I fix the video card,...
by Katherine Villyard | May 7, 2006 | scripts
I’ve been stuck at 75 pages for awhile on Double Feature. Thematically, there are two minor characters who need more to do, and I might need to pad out the end a little with a bit more denouement, so hopefully that’ll do the unsticking trick. I’ve...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 29, 2006 | life, the universe, and everything, scripts, short fiction
Things I need to do this weekend: Work on script. Critters critique. Work on script some more. Buy groceries. Pay bills. Register for Dragoncon and Ann Crispin writing workshop. Work on script even more. Mow lawn. Thing I might do for fun this weekend: Buy yarn for...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 27, 2006 | scripts
That’s how much script I wrote last night. I’m torn between, “Oh, that’s pathetic!” and “Well, at least I wrote.” The answer is to let it go and write tonight. Like any other extended effort (diet, exercise, etc.), you...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 23, 2006 | geekiness, scripts
Twelve pages today, which just about makes up for all the slacking I did this last week. That puts me at sixty pages. Estimating a minimum length of ninety pages, that means I’m 66.7% through. Getting some good advice helped. I may tweak on that 60 pages later....
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 22, 2006 | life, the universe, and everything, scripts
I seem to have a bad case of script middle blues. I’m left trying to figure out what else I can do to these poor characters. On the up side, I’m on page 48, so I’m well into it. I just need more. More more more. A lightning strike appears to have...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 16, 2006 | life, the universe, and everything, scripts
Things I need to do today: Critters critique. Work on script. Things I should probably do, but suspect I won’t: The dishes. Laundry. Things I probably shouldn’t do, but suspect I will: Go to Harry’s and grab some vegetarian sushi for lunch. Current...