
Vote for your favorite!

Apparently you can vote for your favorite stories and poems over on The Fifth Di…. I wouldn’t be sad if your favorite was me Me mE MEmemEMeMEME meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Just don’t stuff the ballot box or...

I win at life!

I think it needs to expand out, like an accordian. Later. I reread part of the beginning. It’s better than I remembered. It’s… funny. I’m still a couple of rewrites from the decision of whether I want to ‘fess up to it in public,...


The story I’m working on now? It feels so much like science fiction to write, but I’m pretty sure it reads as fantasy. It’s an alternate history story where something supernatural happens, and I can’t get over how much it feels like science...

Question answered.

I wrote 818 words of the story that needed research tonight, and in my opinion, it’s fantasy. My brain suddenly gave me a main character and started spitting out words. There’s even a plot, which surprised me because I wasn’t sure what it was until I...


Inspiration just struck for an alternate history story which will require research. Two items in my random idea file collided. Mmm, research! Good idea file. Extra biscuit! I’m really excited by this idea, but, once again, it’s a situation without a plot....

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