
It’s almost NaNoEdMo, but…

NaNoEdMo starts in two days. So why am I excited about Script Frenzy instead? I used to love editing and agonize over first drafts. I think NaNoWriMo cured me of the agonizing, so maybe that’s part of it. I have no idea what I’m going to do for Script...

It’s away!

I just dropped the hurricane story into the Critters queue. Word count: 10,946. It’ll probably grow after Critters is done with it. I also put a warning on the story for “content that may offend some readers and some *@(#&@% swearing.”...

To Poke, or Not to Poke.

The hurricane story is approaching a condition where it’s ready for Critters. It may be ready now, but Brian said he’d peek at it and tell me what he thought of the changes. It behooves me to dawdle, because it’ll take about a month to get through...


I accidentally printed out the wrong script to go to Scriptapalooza. (Yeah, I’ve had a hard month at work.) Maybe I should send it to Austin after all. It’s been rewritten since they saw it, after all. Unless anyone can suggest someplace better. The floor...


I think I just wrote 423 words of flash fic. That would certainly make up for the 10,231 word story (and still growing) I did last month. Speaking of the hurricane story, I don’t think it’s ready for critique yet. There are still a couple of things I need...

First draft done on hurricane story.

The first draft clocks in at 10,113 words, and it’s likely to expand in revision. For one thing, I think the end is a little abrupt (in fact, I may not be done after all), and for another, I don’t think there’s enough tech, and there are characters...

Screenplay Competition Season

I’ve started getting notifications about screenwriting competitions, which means I need to decide which ones I’m going to pelt with screenplays. I’m considering blowing off Austin this year–I won’t have anything new until Script Frenzy,...

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