by Katherine Villyard | May 31, 2008 | cons, novels
Where was I before I got sucked into email migration hell? Oh, yeah. Wiscon. Why is the con over again? My reading went really well. In fact, my favorite author read right before me–she read an excerpt from an upcoming book that I’M SO EXCITED...
by Katherine Villyard | May 8, 2008 | novels
I just lopped 4555 words off Lizardfic, which dropped me back down below 60,000 words. (59,746.) To quote Spock in “Devil in the Dark,” “PAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!!!!” I have short stories in circulation that are shorter than 4555 words. I may be able...
by Katherine Villyard | May 7, 2008 | novels, writing mysticism
My novel has changed during the course of writing, which is okay. And I’ve updated the outline to reflect the changes. Sounds okay, right? Only there’s a bit of a problem. My main POV character is away from all the action for several scenes. Ack!...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 26, 2008 | life, the universe, and everything, novels
Pretty much working, exercising, and writing my novel. And nagging my sister to put dog pictures on Flickr. I think the world needs more pet pictures, don’t you? Isn’t that an Avenue Q song? “The Internet is for Pet Pictures”? Current novel...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 10, 2008 | novels
My novel-in-progress is over 40,000 words. Yay, it’s a novel! It’s not a complete novel, mind you. In fact, it’s a half-complete novel. But it’s 40,000 words, and a girl needs...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 21, 2008 | cats, novels, picspam
I’ve been writing a lot. Well. Last weekend I was sick. Let us not speak of it. My action chapter is still kicking my butt, because, well, it’s action. It’ll be okay, and the next chapter should have fun stuff in it. Well, there was something fun...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 12, 2008 | novels
Action scenes are hard. Let’s do math instead!
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 4, 2008 | novels
I’m currently working on chapter seven. My writer’s group just critiqued chapters five and six. I think I need to write faster.
by Katherine Villyard | Jan 6, 2008 | novels, writing mysticism
I’ve been procrastinating about writing. I thought it was because I was stressed about car repairs and the like, but no. I think I just didn’t want to write Chapter Four. Well, I went ahead and started it, and it wasn’t so bad while I was writing it,...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 18, 2007 | novels
Lizardfic is a lot easier to write the second time around. Okay, chapter one had its hard parts, but that was because it was chapter one, and because I need violence enablers. (I really, really need violence enablers.) Chapter two is my friend so far. Maybe it’s...