by Katherine Villyard | Jan 1, 2009 | short fiction
Go, me! I think I had this story bubbling in me while I was finishing up the novel–which, dammit, still needs a name. Argh! It’s stylistically odd, but my friend Misha gave it a thumbs up so it’s headed off to crit group. At any rate, I think this is...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 28, 2008 | novels
I have two projects I’m brainstorming for possible novelization. One is a short story I’m thinking of expanding, and the other is my old script frenzy idea that was never fully fleshed out. The short story is, not surprisingly, in good shape. The script...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 27, 2008 | novels
Final wordcount: 77,748. I’ve got several dropped threads that need to be added in rewrites, though. D’oh! On the other hand, the basic structure is there. I just need to add in all that stuff that was, you know, why I wrote this thing in the first...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 26, 2008 | novels, writing stats
Current wordcount: 77,210. Goal wordcount: 80,000. Guesstimated final wordcount: 78,778. Percent of goal complete: 96.51%. Percent of guesstimate complete: 98.01%. Date I would hit 80,000 words: December 31. Date I would hit guesstimate: December 29. I actually...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 24, 2008 | novels, writing stats
Current wordcount: 76,072. Goal wordcount: 80,000. Projected final wordcount: 78,920. Percent of goal complete: 95.09%. Percent of projection complete: 96.39%. Date I would reach 80,000: 12/31/08. Date I would reach 78,920: 12/29/08. Yeah, there was an outline tweak...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 23, 2008 | novels, writing stats
Current wordcount: 75,070. Goal wordcount: 80,000. Guesstimated draft 0 wordcount: 76,833. Percent of goal complete: 93.84%. Percent of guesstimate complete: 97.71%. Date I would reach 80,000: January 1, 2009. Date I should reach guesstimated draft 0 wordcount:...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 21, 2008 | novels, writing stats
Current wordcount: 73,043. Goal wordcount: 80,000. Projected date I would hit 80,000 words: 1/3/09. Projected draft 0 wordcount: 76,833. Projected draft 0 completion date: 12/28/08. I’m writing 1000 words a day instead of 500 because I’m on break, and...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 14, 2008 | novels, writing stats
Current wordcount: 69,959. Official wordcount goal: 80,000. Date spreadsheet predicts I’ll hit 80,000: January 2. Predicted draft 0 wordcount: 75,488 (ouch). Predicted day I’ll hit predicted draft 0 wordcount: December 24. I’m not that worried about...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 12, 2008 | life, the universe, and everything, novels
Of course, setting a writing goal means a server disaster that includes me staying until 4:30am and then getting up at 7 to go to training. I missed a couple of writing days. Will I end up getting the upgrade anyway? Tune in at the end of the month and find...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 6, 2008 | novels, procrastination
It’s not that I don’t want to write. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it. It’s that I’m tired. What I don’t get is that I’m writing less now than I was during the email migration. Argh! On the other hand, my spreadsheet of...