
Coping with novel anxiety.

I actually have… an outline. And the motivational spreadsheet of doom to track my wordcount. And… version control. Yes, version control, like programmers use. Why, yes, I am a geek. But I could have used version control sooner–I realized at one point...

On second thought…

…I don’t think NaNoWriMo is what I’m looking for with Lizardfic the novel. NaNoWriMo still might be fun, but… not for Lizardfic. Which means that I need to come up with an outline, and a daily wordcount goal. Otherwise it’ll sit around my...


I may be writing a novel. I received some crits for lizardfic today, and one of the critiquers agrees with Brian that the story might work better at novel-length. I suspect they may be right. Of course, I don’t have time right now. I need to finish this script....

New Story in Progress

This weekend I’ve been working on my latest story, which is based on a nightmare I was having on August 29, 2003, right before my mother-in-law woke me up to drive her to the doctor for her broken arm. Yes, I know the date, because we went to Dragoncon right...

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