by Katherine Villyard | Mar 1, 2007 | novels, short fiction
Jen has a “post the first line of five works in progress” meme. What the hell, I’ll play, although I don’t really have five things in progress at the moment. I’ll include recent stuff. The Wasicu towers still exist, rising up out of the...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 19, 2007 | nanowrimo, novels, short fiction
My online critique group is oddly silent about my under 500 word flash fic. Perhaps they’re struck dumb by its brilliance. Or its badness. Heh. For NaNoWriMo this year, I’m considering going Greek. I have an idea I’ve been kicking around for...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 3, 2007 | novels, scripts, selling fiction, short fiction
My Hollywood Creative Directory is on its way. I received one of my two first script queries back in the mail as undeliverable. D’oh! Short fiction markets are all over the Internet, but this is not the case for the places I want to send scripts. (The online...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 31, 2006 | life, the universe, and everything, nanowrimo, novels, scripts, short fiction
Yes, it’s the obligatory New Year’s resolutions post! I’m sure you can hardly wash. Yay! Write more. I did poorly with the short story deadlines, but maybe they were too short. One short story a month, excepting March, June, and November, which...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 30, 2006 | novels, scripts, selling fiction, short fiction, writing stats
Short stories completed: 1 Scripts completed: 1 Novel first drafts completed: 1 Short stories that somehow morphed into novels-in-progess: 2 Short stories that were pulled from circulation and completely rewritten: 1 Short story submissions: 32 Short story rejections:...
by Katherine Villyard | Nov 27, 2006 | nanowrimo, novels
I think it needs to expand out, like an accordian. Later. I reread part of the beginning. It’s better than I remembered. It’s… funny. I’m still a couple of rewrites from the decision of whether I want to ‘fess up to it in public,...
by Katherine Villyard | Jul 6, 2006 | novels
Deciding a scene needs to be moved to the beginning of the story is one thing, but then there’s rewriting every scene that came after. Oops. But as long as it makes the story better, that’s more important than an increasing wordcount…...
by Katherine Villyard | Jun 6, 2006 | novels
So, I went to introduce the love interest, and… This scene needs to open the book. I just accidentally incorporated information that used to occur in an unlovely infodump that I planned to edit out later. No, really, I didn’t plan it, but it works. I love...
by Katherine Villyard | Jun 5, 2006 | novels, procrastination, scripts
I’m kind of… …not writing. I suspect I’m less well prepared for my novel than I thought I was–I’ve been opening the document file and staring at it and closing it without adding anything new. Perhaps making the outline a bit clearer...
by Katherine Villyard | May 20, 2006 | novels
Now that I’m working on a novel, I keep having to tell myself to slow down, that I have plenty of room. I’m not convinced it’s working. In fact, I think I’m going to have to go back and flesh stuff out. I’ve got stuff in here that’s...