by Katherine Villyard | Nov 9, 2007 | novels, reading, writing mysticism
My outline for the novel codenamed Lizardfic is currently 5008 words. That’s longer than most of my short stories. This is more outlining than I’ve ever done for any project, ever. On the other hand, stalled novel, yo. Horrible feeling. Must unstall novel....
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 26, 2007 | novels, short fiction
I’ve been collapsing characters in the hurricane story. It’s done some cool things to the minor characters that have been combined. I still haven’t tackled the plot stuff. I think I’m a little intimidated by it. I have a pretty good idea of how...
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 21, 2007 | novels, short fiction, writing mysticism
I’m getting lots of things done today. I just don’t have any new prose to show for it. Critiques! Edits on the hurricane story. I’m pondering the outline for the new improved Lizardfic. The outlining in particular feels productive. I’m pretty...
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 18, 2007 | geekiness, novels
I was having this problem. Moving the mt-static directory to the top level of my webspace fixed it. If you’re getting a funky error on the comment page about whether you’re logged in or not, log out and log back in. In other news, I’m using this...
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 17, 2007 | novels
I’m rereading Lizardfic and the outline materials associated with it, because I’ve been thinking that it may be time to work on this one again. You may or may not recall that this was the short story that turned into a novel that turned into me rewriting...
by Katherine Villyard | Aug 18, 2007 | novels
Summaries are hard. Let’s do math rebuild a RAID array instead!
by Katherine Villyard | Jul 7, 2007 | nanowrimo, novels, writing mysticism
I’m running the NaNovel through critique group right now, and even though I made several passes through it and tried to flesh it out, it’s still kind of rushed. It used to feel very much like… if you’ve ever heard Jaws, the screenreading...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 3, 2007 | novels
Editing is still more fun than drafting. What do you know? Whee, edits! Well, obviously, there’s going to be the point where I go blind. Hopefully that won’t happen for awhile, since I didn’t look at it for three months. Some observations: The...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 1, 2007 | novels, short fiction
Jen has a “post the first line of five works in progress” meme. What the hell, I’ll play, although I don’t really have five things in progress at the moment. I’ll include recent stuff. The Wasicu towers still exist, rising up out of the...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 19, 2007 | nanowrimo, novels, short fiction
My online critique group is oddly silent about my under 500 word flash fic. Perhaps they’re struck dumb by its brilliance. Or its badness. Heh. For NaNoWriMo this year, I’m considering going Greek. I have an idea I’ve been kicking around for...