
Wow. My outline sucks.

I’m rereading Lizardfic and the outline materials associated with it, because I’ve been thinking that it may be time to work on this one again. You may or may not recall that this was the short story that turned into a novel that turned into me rewriting...

NaNoEdMo update

Editing is still more fun than drafting. What do you know? Whee, edits! Well, obviously, there’s going to be the point where I go blind. Hopefully that won’t happen for awhile, since I didn’t look at it for three months. Some observations: The...

Opening lines meme.

Jen has a “post the first line of five works in progress” meme. What the hell, I’ll play, although I don’t really have five things in progress at the moment. I’ll include recent stuff. The Wasicu towers still exist, rising up out of the...

I win at life!

I think it needs to expand out, like an accordian. Later. I reread part of the beginning. It’s better than I remembered. It’s… funny. I’m still a couple of rewrites from the decision of whether I want to ‘fess up to it in public,...

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