
I’ll be reading in Wisconsin in May

Are you going to WisCon? Hopefully I’ll see you there! Meet me in May! I plan to bring chocolate! Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading Conference 2 • Readings • Sat 4:00 PM –5:15 PM Meet the Broads of Broad Universe! The authors of Broad Universe will drop you into...

Woe is me!

My neighbor’s tree decided to play an April Fools joke on me… and my roof. I was sitting in my living room minding my own business when BOOM!!!!!! followed by cats racing around like lunatics, because, as you know, Bob, cats dislike loud noises and are...

Tongue in Cheek Novel Comps

I’m just joking… unless it makes you want to read my book. In that case, I’m DEATHLY SERIOUS. 😉 Interview with the Vampire as written by Faye Kellerman A Discovery of Witches for feminist Jews Only Lovers Left Alive but with a mortal wife and pets...

Novel update

So, based on feedback, it’s basically not possible to withhold information from my first person main character narrator and tell the reader. I mean, I feel like it should be! but no matter how sledgehammery I think I’m being, people just don’t get...

KILLER APPS for writers!

1. Scrivener. We all know Scrivener is cool, right? View your text as either an individual scene, a giant block, or a corkboard or outline. Reorder scenes and chapters with ease. Export to various formats, but I really only use Word/RTF. Seriously, moving your...

First draft of my novel complete!

I have a large swath of text with characters, plot, setting, and a beginning, middle, and end. It’s currently 52,489 words, which is (as you know, Bob,) too short. My writer’s group warned me repeatedly that it would be too short, but I’m not that...

Visual references for my novel in progress

I have a Pinterest where I’m putting up visual references/inspirations. <3 I admit I got the idea from my sister, who has a board for each individual character. I have an overall board with sub-boards for characters. I don’t think there are any...

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