by Katherine Villyard | Oct 10, 2023 | about me, art, writing, writing mysticism
Disclaimer: Any writing process that results in finished writing that you’re proud of is a valid process! It’s also normal that you’ll have to experiment with different processes to see what fits. So, when I was at Dragoncon this year, there was a... by Katherine Villyard | Jul 31, 2012 | writing mysticism
I was doing 250 words a day as a goal, but Jen and I signed up for stickK together. It looked like a time commitment would work better with their site than a wordcount commitment, so I said ten minutes a day/an hour a week. This works a lot better than I expected. I... by Katherine Villyard | Jul 21, 2012 | writing mysticism
I finally reached the central conflict on the story in progress! As one of my nieces’ other aunts pointed out, some add clay to an armature and some chip at stone. I’m usually the former. Which is why the amount of whacking I’m going to have to do... by Katherine Villyard | Jul 17, 2012 | writing mysticism
I’ve already had that special moment when you realize that you’re probably going to cut 6,000 words from your short story in progress. Today I had that special moment when I realized that I’ve written 13,000 words and haven’t reached my central... by Katherine Villyard | Mar 7, 2010 | about me, cons, life, the universe, and everything, writing mysticism
I didn’t write much last year, and the reason why is that I was constructing a different kind of narrative. My mother died unexpectedly last year while I was at WisCon, and finding a way to tell yourself the story in a way that makes sense is an important part... by Katherine Villyard | Mar 26, 2009 | writing mysticism
There’s this thing I used to do sometimes while writing, where I would follow a character around and see what happened. Dishearteningly, sometimes nothing happened. Other times I would figure out what the heck I was trying to say or do and the story would take... by Katherine Villyard | Jan 3, 2009 | novels, writing mysticism
Woe is me! I’ve decided that Untitled AI is not a story about Julia and Rob, my intrepid reporter and photographer. In fact, Untitled AI is probably two projects, but Julia and Rob have nothing to do with the AI and will need to have a new project just about... by Katherine Villyard | May 7, 2008 | novels, writing mysticism
My novel has changed during the course of writing, which is okay. And I’ve updated the outline to reflect the changes. Sounds okay, right? Only there’s a bit of a problem. My main POV character is away from all the action for several scenes. Ack!... by Katherine Villyard | Feb 25, 2008 | writing mysticism
One NaNoWriMo novel, one incomplete screenplay, and a novel-in-progress with outlines and I suddenly no longer want to work without them. I suppose this is a good thing, since writing without is sometimes a big timesink, but I still feel like an outline junkie.... by Katherine Villyard | Feb 13, 2008 | writing mysticism, writing stats
My first drafts of action chapters are about 500-1000 words. This is pitiful, and caused my outline spreadsheet to say my novel would come in short. So I sighed, and turned sentences into paragraphs. It’s now about 2000 words, which is still too short, but at...