
Coming Soon!

Love Stories, a collection of seven previously published and five previously unpublished short stories. Expected date of publication: October 31. Pre-order your copy here:

Coming soon…

I have a book cover, which will be revealed soon. I mean, I haven’t officially paid yet, but I’ve approved it, so I don’t know if They™ want me to show it to you yet, but…

Anthology, baby!

I have a slew of stories that I haven’t been sending out. Seriously, one is from 2006 and I sent it various places for over a decade and got a lot of “I like this but it’s not for us” rejections. So I’m gathering up my sold stories and my...

New Story Available–“Minotaur”

Did I really not post here about my latest story? My story “Minotaur” is available in the Alien Abduction anthology.  Only $5 for the Kindle version, and my aliens are pretty alien.  If you heard me read at the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading at...

Art is never finished, only abandoned.

I expect that I’m about to frustrate a lot of people, but that’s the way it is. Back in 2007, I started a “Hurricane Katrina” story.  I wandered around in my post-apocalyptic Probably New Orleans, got lost, deleted 5,000 words, rewrote it a...

The Broad Universe Sampler

It’s got me and a lot of other awesome women in it, and it’s FREE.  Check out Broad Spectrum: The 2012 Broad Universe Fiction Sampler.  My story starts: Last time this happened, I was Orpheus. Ethan was lost, pale, gone in a haze of Zoloft and Lithium and...

Write or Die!

I just used the desktop version of Write or Die to get my daily words in.  It was a birthday present from my sister, and it was painless.  The nicest part was when I started to sit around and ponder a name for a walk-on.  I could stare at the screen and try to come up...

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