by Katherine Villyard | Jun 22, 2008 | selling fiction
Has anyone heard from the Indian Country anthology? I queried on the 15th.
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 3, 2007 | selling fiction
That’s why I sometimes get the urge to do Snoopy dances upon receiving rejections. But this was one of the nicest I’ve ever gotten! I’m definitely moving these folks up in my rotation. This story is now out to its 22nd market. People say nice things...
by Katherine Villyard | Aug 31, 2007 | selling fiction
Cory Doctorow writes, over at Boing Boing: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America has used the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to fraudulently remove numerous non-infringing works from Scribd, a site that allows the general public to share text files with...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 25, 2007 | selling fiction
So, hypothetically speaking, you know, I have this friend… Okay, no, I don’t have this friend. Suppose I have this story, and my friend said it sucked last July, and I’d had it critiqued at a writing workshop in September and rewritten it so much...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 3, 2007 | novels, scripts, selling fiction, short fiction
My Hollywood Creative Directory is on its way. I received one of my two first script queries back in the mail as undeliverable. D’oh! Short fiction markets are all over the Internet, but this is not the case for the places I want to send scripts. (The online...
by Katherine Villyard | Dec 30, 2006 | novels, scripts, selling fiction, short fiction, writing stats
Short stories completed: 1 Scripts completed: 1 Novel first drafts completed: 1 Short stories that somehow morphed into novels-in-progess: 2 Short stories that were pulled from circulation and completely rewritten: 1 Short story submissions: 32 Short story rejections:...
by Katherine Villyard | Sep 11, 2006 | selling fiction
From Full Unit Hookup’s news page, dated 08/26/2006: My computer crashed this week and unfortunately the FUHU submission log file was corrupted. This disaster doesn’t mean I’ve lost all submissions to FUHU. What it does mean is that I’ll have...
by Katherine Villyard | Jul 21, 2006 | selling fiction
Up until this point, I’ve been very firm in the idea that I should not rewrite old stories. (I’m not sure what the definition of “old” is, in this case, but…) Well. I believed quite firmly that “Median Effective Dose” was the...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 27, 2006 | selling fiction
There’s this thing I do, when I get a rejection. 1. Enter the rejection in my submission tracker. 2. Report the rejection to Black Holes. 3. If the next market on the list is electronic, email it immediately. If the next market on the list is snailmail, go and...
by Katherine Villyard | Sep 22, 2005 | selling fiction
I’ve decided that you give up on a story when it’s about Jebi Knight Mary Sue, leading the oppressed rebel army of big business against the forces of evil market restrictions, led by the terrifying Darth Nader. Short of that, you give up on a story when...