
Holy, uh…

We went to Lowe’s to pick up a few things and fondle the building materials (especially flooring, because I loathe the barf-brown carpets), and, um… I have expensive taste. No, really. Yikes. It’s a good thing I’m planning on keeping my day...

June sucked

‘Nuff said, really. June was the suck. I promptly sent out my rejected story to a new market, but that’s about it. I do still have two stories in progress, and am contemplating a TV script and a potential novel (meep!), but basically the month was spent on...


In August, 1991, I was a graduate art student in Texas. I’d recently acquired a tortoiseshell kitten from a little girl sitting in front of the local Kroger, a cute little turbocharged thing I named Persephone. I got her in the break between classes, and when I...

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