by Katherine Villyard | Mar 4, 2006 | life, the universe, and everything
There’s just something touching about being seated next to a table with a loud drunk woman who’s talking on her cell phone, cursing so much and so loudly that she sounds like a Tarantino movie, spilling sake all over herself, and pressuring her recovering...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 3, 2006 | life, the universe, and everything
Brian just sold a story to Baen’s Universe! Read all about it!
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 26, 2006 | life, the universe, and everything
Via Cynthia and Bill comes the sad news of Octavia Butler’s passing. Check out Bill’s post; he has way more than I do. Links: SFWA obit The Book of Martha Amnesty
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 6, 2006 | life, the universe, and everything
So, last night, around 1 or 2, my back hurt. I have a little plastic tub where I have various creams and such. There’s one bottle in there that I bought, noticed that the last ingredient was 0.25% Capsaicin, and have avoided ever since. See, I had to go to the...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 2, 2006 | cats, life, the universe, and everything
What I have left from my best friend for the last 14 years: 1 box of cat ashes 1 cat tooth, pulled by the vet tech on January 8. 5 x-rays: 3 dental, 2 full-body Photos Memories It’s more than I have for my other dead kitties, but it’s not...
by Katherine Villyard | Nov 2, 2005 | life, the universe, and everything, novels, short fiction
I was talking to the SO in the car this morning on the way to work about our respective writing projects. He thinks that the problem I’m having with the story formerly for the cliché challenge is that it’s not a short story, it’s a novel....
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 2, 2005 | life, the universe, and everything
I try to stay vaguely on topic, and stick to geekgrrl and writing things. (Maybe that’s a mistake!) But this blog is astonishing. It’s maintained by a photographer, and he’s telling the story of Hurricane Katrina’s impact on Pearlington, MS,...
by Katherine Villyard | Sep 18, 2005 | geekiness, life, the universe, and everything, novels, short fiction
I’m trying to exercise more, mainly so I feel like less of a slug. Lots of people (Orson Scott Card, etc.) recommend exercise for authors on the grounds that it’s hard to force lively prose out of a sluggish, tired body, and it’s true. I may have to...
by Katherine Villyard | Aug 29, 2005 | life, the universe, and everything, reading, short fiction
I made even more changes to the nightmare story, but no one’s seen them yet. The S.O. was working on his own novel, damn him! *shakes fist* That, and I’m a little too worried about Hurricane Katrina smacking New Orleans to worry about whether my changes to...
by Katherine Villyard | Oct 21, 2004 | life, the universe, and everything
I have so many boxes. The cats have an exciting box playground. I feel like I’m making no progress at all, but I’m gradually clearing a path. Of course, what I’m making no progress on is writing. Sigh! I have plans, but there is almost no butt in...