
Merry Consumermas!

With a couple of caveats, this is a great cellphone. Basically, it’s cute and full of Dick Tracy fun, but it’s also a cellphone only a geek could love sometimes. Pros: Fun.Cute.Your phone is always handy on your wrist. No more beeperlepsy!It comes with...

Gadget lust!

Check it out! It’s a teeny tiny laptop that runs linux. I could even carry it in my purse if I bought a bigger purse. I fondled one at the store today. People kept asking me if I needed help. No! Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script! I...

Things you can learn from a grrl’s purse.

You can learn things about a grrl from what’s in her purse. Here’s some of what’s in mine: Two Epi-Pens. Two inhalers. Puppy linux CD Knoppix S-T-D CD Cellphone. PDA. Screwdriver. Thumb drive. Pens. Titanium spork from Think Geek. What do you carry...

Nerd stuff.

I was having this problem. Moving the mt-static directory to the top level of my webspace fixed it. If you’re getting a funky error on the comment page about whether you’re logged in or not, log out and log back in. In other news, I’m using this...

Site upgrade!

Movable Type 4.0. Better authentication. I’ve only changed one template to take advantage of that, but I may randomly break stuff while dorking around over the next few days. Don’t worry if something’s broken; I’ll fix it. Because I hate spam...

In Nerd News

I’ve upgraded the site to MT3.34 with FastCGI. You probably won’t notice unless you comment, but I can tell and that’s what matters! To me, at least! Seriously, it’s cool. Trust me. I also made my URLs prettier, as they were pretty darned ugly....

Laptop switch from Ubuntu to Debian Etch.

Geek post! I’d been using Ubuntu on my Acer Aspire 3624WXCi laptop for about a year now. I really enjoyed my Ubuntu experience until I fell victim to this obnoxious bug. It took a while to manifest itself, too; the problem seemed to get worse every time they...

OpenID–it’s ba-ack!

Thanks to Mark Paschal (the author of OpenID Comments for MT), OpenID is back. I’ll probably never know why Brian’s OpenID stopped working–my guess is that it’s just borked–but the LJ account I was using to test was missing a piece in the...

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