
Wow, that was temporarily tragic!

I upgraded the site software and temporarily broke MT-akismet. This was probably the most horrible thing ever to happen to a writer’s site. Luckily, the problem was discovered when I asked myself, “Self, why are all those spam comments getting...

Woe is me!

I impulsively went to Microcenter to look for upgrades for my linux desktop, since that was my bribe for myself. It looks like the spare processors I was going to use are old enough that I can’t use them with a new motherboard, so I didn’t think I’d...

Rant of the Day

I am a System Administrator. In fact, I am a SAGE Level III SysAdmin. I am not an Administrative Assistant. I will not let you write down my job title as Administrative Assistant on a hospital admission form. And no, I will not take a message for my boss. If you...

I can has Debian.

Yeah, I realized yesterday that the Ubuntu upgrade had blown away my old xorg.conf, and that the new one didn’t appear to know that I had a video driver at all. I considered digging it out of backups, but no, I’m too lazy. Debian. And I restored my old...


My newly upgraded Ubuntu 8.04 box continues to boot to a black screen from a cold boot. Sure, I can go into recovery mode and then it works when I reboot, but I don’t really want to fix my machine every time I boot it. And I’m still not alone. My...

Ubuntu Hardy, the morning after.

I woke up–slept in, ’cause I was up late upgrading–wandered over to the computer, and pressed the power button. It ran through the startup process into a black screen. Meh. Luckily, escape at the grub menu, running the recovery mode, and picking xfix...

*chews fingernails*

One of my other machines is busily upgrading from Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) to 8.04 (Hardy). I did both a full backup and a backup of home first, just in case anything ends up hosed. Yikes. No, I don’t live dangerously. 😉 Sadly, Ubuntu has discontinued their PPC...

Want to be part of an experiment?

Question: Do free ebooks help or hurt paper book sales? Tor is offering free ebooks if you sign up with their newsletter here. They offer a different one each week–this week is Scalzi’s Old Man’s War. (If you want it and missed it, ask a...

Fear my geek-fu.

I found a missing angle bracket in the comment table template that was conflating the “not spam” and “empty” buttons on the spam comment listing on MT 4.1. Line 24 of comment_table.tmpl should read: title="<__trans phrase="Report...

Web Dorking

I upgraded Movable Type to the latest version. It was a security thing. You shouldn’t notice a difference. It was pretty much painless aside from the part where fastcgi doesn’t work with the upgrade script. Once I figured that out all was love....

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