by Katherine Villyard | Sep 18, 2005 | geekiness, life, the universe, and everything, novels, short fiction
I’m trying to exercise more, mainly so I feel like less of a slug. Lots of people (Orson Scott Card, etc.) recommend exercise for authors on the grounds that it’s hard to force lively prose out of a sluggish, tired body, and it’s true. I may have to...
by Katherine Villyard | Sep 17, 2005 | geekiness, selling fiction, short fiction
Thanks to the comments of Jen, Margo, and Lisa, the nightmare story is now in circulation under the name “Book of Shadows.” W00t! I went to go record the information on my Treo–yes, yes, I track these things in mysql and php–and lo, my poor...
by Katherine Villyard | Sep 8, 2004 | geekiness, life, the universe, and everything
Y’know, after the sixth machine I put my floppy into started screwing up, I might start to think maybe it was me. Or my (virusy) floppy. I’m just sayin’. No, I’m really not getting much writing done, so you get virii and the pain of utilities....
by Katherine Villyard | Sep 7, 2004 | geekiness, procrastination
I just changed my address for F&SF and Asimov’s via their nifty forms. I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting to do. I wish I knew what it was. In other exciting news, my Internet connection at home is the suck. Also, I am weary of cleaning...
by Katherine Villyard | Aug 14, 2004 | geekiness, procrastination
Should I be deeply saddened that the people most interested in my writing blog are @#@()* spammers? Listen, spammers. Give it up. Stop wasting my time. Stop wasting your time. I have comment notification turned on. I’m here to promote my writing career, not...
by Katherine Villyard | May 25, 2004 | geekiness, procrastination
I rewrote the datediff function in the submission tracker and thought PHP geeks might enjoy it. I find it very sad that PHP does not have a built-in datediff function like ASP or Cold Fusion. /*The variable $date1 comes from the database, and is converted to unix...
by Katherine Villyard | May 2, 2004 | geekiness, short fiction
Why, no, I haven’t been clicking the Alien Skin site all day waiting for my story to be there. Nor did I go there on my Treo to check while we were out. Why do you ask?
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 14, 2004 | geekiness, procrastination
PHP browser detection. Only Netscrape 4.x gets TeH Ev0L Netscrape stylesheet. Read it and weep, Netscrape! *evil laugh* <Gollum>Nasty, tricksy Netscape 4.x CSS implementation! We hates it, we...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 9, 2004 | geekiness, procrastination
The S.O. says that when he goes to the site in Safari, he gets TeH EV0L Netscape stylesheet, which is TeH SuX0rs with any browser except Netscrape. I have therefore gone back to my previous “Screw Netscape 4.x, for it is an aged piece of crap that must...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 27, 2004 | geekiness, procrastination
I am such a nerd. My stylesheet didn’t work in Netscrape 4.x, so I wrote one that did and some javascript browser detection. Well, okay, I modified a javascript from Scriptygoddess. I wouldn’t worry so much about Netscape 4.x, on account of it only...