
Must. Finish. Script.

The last pages of my script are just grinding out like cement. I don’t know if it’s laptop death trama and the associated rebuild/migrate/etc., the distraction of the new Precious, being busy at work, all of the above, none of the above… In short,...

*flail flop spazz flail twitch BOUNCE!*

Final Draft 6 works out of the box under wine with the current version of Ubuntu. Including authorization. *weeps for joy* Oh, my darling Final Draft! I’ve missed you so much! *sob, hug, sob!* Oh, and speaking of Ubuntu? I’m now a True Believer [TM]....

Script progress

Twelve pages today, which just about makes up for all the slacking I did this last week. That puts me at sixty pages. Estimating a minimum length of ninety pages, that means I’m 66.7% through. Getting some good advice helped. I may tweak on that 60 pages later....

I need help.

I was stressed out after work last night, so I decided to unwind by converting my site from XHTML Traditional to XHTML Strict. *facepalm* The most obnoxious part was going back and finding invalid markup in old entries and changing it. I think I’ve found it all....

Website Tweak

I updated the Bibliography page to make it shinier. Now with scripts and excerpts/loglines! Of course, making it display all purty and still validate over at was exciting. I’m still not sure I like the italics, but I want to offset the excerpts from the...

Linux Love

I installed linux on one of my home machines. Oh, the love! The fast, the pretty, the thrill of smug accomplishment when I make it recognize my video card. (Um. Yeah. I ♥ solving problems; it’s fun for me.) I’ve nearly switched to linux several...

Site updates

I added some stuff to the site, including OpenID authentication, and sporked the popup windows. Let me know if you find any bugs. What I did: Pulled out the only PHP page–the front one–which was only running browser detection to serve up the Netscape 4...

Note to self.

Apparently, what one does when one doesn’t know what happens next in a story is upgrade Movable Type to version 3.2. (Mmm, yummy new antispam features!) And, of course, resist the urge to say, “But I don’t want that to happen, that’s...

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