by Katherine Villyard | May 11, 2006 | cats, geekiness, scripts
The last pages of my script are just grinding out like cement. I don’t know if it’s laptop death trama and the associated rebuild/migrate/etc., the distraction of the new Precious, being busy at work, all of the above, none of the above… In short,...
by Katherine Villyard | May 9, 2006 | geekiness
Final Draft 6 works out of the box under wine with the current version of Ubuntu. Including authorization. *weeps for joy* Oh, my darling Final Draft! I’ve missed you so much! *sob, hug, sob!* Oh, and speaking of Ubuntu? I’m now a True Believer [TM]....
by Katherine Villyard | May 8, 2006 | geekiness, life, the universe, and everything, scripts
Um. Yeah. Laptop died. I kind of took the opportunity to go linux. Which means I had to import the script into Celtx, which I just don’t love as much as Final Draft. I’ll probably try to get Final Draft to work under wine as soon as I fix the video card,...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 23, 2006 | geekiness, scripts
Twelve pages today, which just about makes up for all the slacking I did this last week. That puts me at sixty pages. Estimating a minimum length of ninety pages, that means I’m 66.7% through. Getting some good advice helped. I may tweak on that 60 pages later....
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 15, 2006 | geekiness, procrastination, scripts
No, really! You believe me, don’t you? Yeah, well. Maybe you shouldn’t. I’m tired, and stressed out, and have a headache, and, you know, insert a million more excuses to not write here. I’m doing better with exercise, but exercise is easier...
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 13, 2006 | geekiness, procrastination
I was stressed out after work last night, so I decided to unwind by converting my site from XHTML Traditional to XHTML Strict. *facepalm* The most obnoxious part was going back and finding invalid markup in old entries and changing it. I think I’ve found it all....
by Katherine Villyard | Apr 7, 2006 | geekiness
I updated the Bibliography page to make it shinier. Now with scripts and excerpts/loglines! Of course, making it display all purty and still validate over at was exciting. I’m still not sure I like the italics, but I want to offset the excerpts from the...
by Katherine Villyard | Mar 13, 2006 | geekiness
I installed linux on one of my home machines. Oh, the love! The fast, the pretty, the thrill of smug accomplishment when I make it recognize my video card. (Um. Yeah. I ♥ solving problems; it’s fun for me.) I’ve nearly switched to linux several...
by Katherine Villyard | Feb 19, 2006 | geekiness
I added some stuff to the site, including OpenID authentication, and sporked the popup windows. Let me know if you find any bugs. What I did: Pulled out the only PHP page–the front one–which was only running browser detection to serve up the Netscape 4...
by Katherine Villyard | Sep 28, 2005 | geekiness, procrastination
Apparently, what one does when one doesn’t know what happens next in a story is upgrade Movable Type to version 3.2. (Mmm, yummy new antispam features!) And, of course, resist the urge to say, “But I don’t want that to happen, that’s...