So Hey, Katherine, How Do You Lay Out Your Books?

SQL Performance Tuning in Bulk in AWS

My company recently moved to AWS, so I’ve been looking for more information specific to SQL Server performance tuning in AWS. Unfortunately, a lot of what I’m finding is marketing copy devoid of technical detail. Apparently, moving my data to the cloud is great for...

Hardware update

So, when talking about the Librem 5, I mentioned that I had a really old Librem 13 that I wasn’t using as much as I would like. Since then, the laptop that I was running Qubes on seized up and died, so… I’m once again running Qubes on my beautiful...

Librem 5 First Thoughts

Okay, I’ve been playing with this for less than 24 hours and it’s not my daily driver phone or anything, so… disclaimer. If you’re not familiar with Purism, they’re the makers of absolutely gorgeous tech for the technoparanoid. (They also...

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