by Katherine Villyard | Feb 21, 2008 | cats, novels, picspam
I’ve been writing a lot. Well. Last weekend I was sick. Let us not speak of it. My action chapter is still kicking my butt, because, well, it’s action. It’ll be okay, and the next chapter should have fun stuff in it. Well, there was something fun... by Katherine Villyard | Dec 28, 2007 | cats, life, the universe, and everything, procrastination
This is one of them. I was last at work on December 21. I’m not expected back until after New Year’s. You may now hate me. 😉 Sadly, this is not ending up being insane amounts of writing and working out. But I had a very busy year, and probably need the... by Katherine Villyard | May 16, 2007 | cats, picspam
The first rule about kitty fight club? Is you don’t talk about kitty fight club! by Katherine Villyard | May 10, 2007 | cats, scripts
Because Brian double-triple-dog-cat dared me. EXT.BALCONY – EVENING DENNYCAT and ALANCAT are sitting on the balcony sniffing catnip and eating tuna. AlanCat is also washing, with a smug air. DENNYCAT That was a great trial. We kicked their mangy asses! ALANCAT... by Katherine Villyard | Mar 16, 2007 | cats
In other news, my backups are apparently pretty darned good. Yay! by Katherine Villyard | Dec 27, 2006 | cats
Dear Circe, I can promise you that you’ll never have to take another pill, will never need any more bloodwork. There will be no more vet visits. No more sucky car rides. Goodbye, little ballerina kitty, who two months ago could jump over my head at the ripe old... by Katherine Villyard | Dec 22, 2006 | cats, picspam
by Katherine Villyard | Nov 19, 2006 | cats, nanowrimo
I’m at 33,717 words, but I also have a sick kitty. She’s our current Queen Kitty, and the other cats are worried. I completely blew off yesterday, and am having trouble talking myself into doing it today. I’ve been trying to do 2,000 words a day;... by Katherine Villyard | May 11, 2006 | cats, geekiness, scripts
The last pages of my script are just grinding out like cement. I don’t know if it’s laptop death trama and the associated rebuild/migrate/etc., the distraction of the new Precious, being busy at work, all of the above, none of the above… In short,... by Katherine Villyard | Feb 24, 2006 | cats, short fiction, writing mysticism
I had two stories in progress when my cat got sick in December, and I hadn’t touched either of them since until today. Well, I just worked on one a little, and I really like it. It’s also 2700 words so far and I don’t think it’s even...