

Content Warnings for my Novel

So, content warnings. A.S. Akkalon was talking about them over here and included a link to a Trigger Warning database. What I've been sending in my queries (yeah, #amquerying): "Content warnings: Pet death, partner death, child death, reference to torture, prejudice...

Win a paperback!

In order to celebrate my hardcover of Love Stories, I'm giving away a signed paperback! (Click the image, alas, it borks my layout otherwise...) NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Sponsor: Katherine Villyard Eligibility: Sorry, US only, Postage. You know. Also, you must be human...

Year In Review

My novel started the year at 65,000 words (draft 1.5), increased to 120,000 words (draft 2) to address developmental concerns, and decreased to the current 96,000 words. I feel like it's structurally there and am just looking for things like how many times I've used...

What is the Meaning of Life?

42, of course! Eat well, try to get exercise, make some friends. Something else? You know. The unanswerable question. Fun for the whole family! It's something that I've always been interested in. In college, I signed up for a freshman English course called "The Search...

Music History Novel Research

Felix Mendelssohn. Know him? He wrote Elijah, among other things. Like this: He also has the dubious honor of being singled out as proof that Jews are incapable of true music in Wagner's antisemitic essay on the topic. Fuck Wagner! Mendelssohn's grandfather, Moses...


Immortal Gifts invites readers to re-evaluate the meanings of things such as life, death, freedom, hate and love from the first page. Katherine Villyard manages to capture some of the most poignant questions we ask ourselves as we go through our individual lives. Is it worth being able to live forever if, in the end, we’ll lose the ones we love to mortality? Is Death really the ultimate enemy to life, or is death just life’s misunderstood old friend? To stop hate, do we need to restrict our freedoms? This book makes readers ask and answer tough questions not only about the characters and plotline, but about their own beliefs, understandings, and dreams.

– Megan Weiss on Reedsy Discovery

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