

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Things are afoot! Many things! A hint: my book Love Stories is on sale for 99 cents/pennies in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia RIGHT NOW. BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH.

Querying My Novel

Querying My Novel

I've been querying my novel for about two months now, and so far it's basically emailing out or pasting into Query Manager and waiting, punctuated by surprisingly nice form letters. I mean, I got A LOT of rejections sending out my short stories (and also sold ten),...

SQL Performance Tuning in Bulk in AWS

SQL Performance Tuning in Bulk in AWS

My company recently moved to AWS, so I’ve been looking for more information specific to SQL Server performance tuning in AWS. Unfortunately, a lot of what I’m finding is marketing copy devoid of technical detail. Apparently, moving my data to the cloud is great for...

Paleo Wolf

Paleo Wolf

It’s almost the full moon, and I’m out of sick time. I’m tired, and itchy, and I shaved this morning and have a five o’clock shadow at noon. I just want to curl up under the conference table and take a nap. Instead, I go to the lunch line in the cafeteria downstairs....

A quick “back up all databases” script

Mostly so I can link it to a post that's getting traffic... Declare @DBname varchar(255), @SQL nvarchar(max), @today nvarchar(50), @servername nvarchar(50) set @today = convert(nvarchar,GETDATE(),12) set @servername = REPLACE(@@SERVERNAME,'\','-') select @DBname =...

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