

PREORDERS!!!!! (but not mine)

My favorite author, Lyda Morehouse, has a new book coming out and OMG I AM SO EXCITED SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!! Preorders are available here: or on Amazon. Lyda's AngeLINK series is probably my...

Haunted House

Haunted House

He closed his eyes and reached out with his thoughts. In the distance, he could feel others. Other wizards. He didn’t know which side they were on. He didn’t know what side he was on, either. The breeze tousled his hair, and he ducked back inside the house and closed...

I’M SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!

I'm number one in Canada!!!! I love you, Canada! <3 [Edit on 3/21/24] I should have checked Kobo yesterday, but today I'm #3 there! [/edit] (Amazon swears I'll have a sales rank in the UK tomorrow, but I currently don't have one.)

In the Water

In the Water

Yvonne looked up from her monitor, the beads in her cornrows clattering as Roger walked into her office.

Roger sat in the dark wooden chair opposite her desk. “Weren’t you assigned Alice van Buuren?”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Yvonne said. “You can’t have her.” Yvonne hadn’t been assigned Alice; she’d requested her. Alice was probably the only murder victim’s wife she would ever meet. They hadn’t even put the murder in the papers. Maybe they thought there’d be a panic.

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