Thoughts on Writing Werewolves
Oh hey! It’s a magical creature post where I’m not going to ask you to think about religion! I mean, you can if you want to, as the medieval European werewolf typically put on a wolf-skin belt, or applied a special salve to their body, or went through a Satanic rite,...
Tucking his computer science textbook and his Book of Shadows into his backpack, Dion dropped the bag onto the floor at the foot of his bed, and launched World of Warcraft. He selected his realm: Earthen Ring. He was number eighty in the queue. Expected wait time: twenty minutes. Stupid server. He glanced over at the wilted plant on the window sill and waved his wand. It perked up.
His mother wandered into the room, wearing a gold lamé evening dress and hose without shoes. He hid his wand behind his back, but made no attempt to hide the glass of wine on the desk, next to the computer. As long as he didn’t get shit-faced, she had no problem with it.
Thoughts on Writing Ghosts
I’m sorry, but you probably know the drill by now. Like the vampire post and the witch post, I’m going to ask you to consider religion… or at the very least, the afterlife. A ghost—at least, the kind I’m talking about—is the spirit of someone who’s died. This implies...
Thoughts on Writing Witches and Wizards
Like the vampire post, I’m going to open by asking you to consider the relationship between magic and religion. Are your witches and wizards members of a pagan (or neopagan) religion? Are they Satanists straight out of the Malleus Maleficarum? (Er, maybe they...
Thoughts On Writing Vampires
Probably the first thing that one should consider in writing vampires is what rule system you intend to follow. This is not a universal, as the Sims 4 Vampires pack knows. (Yes, I'm a Simmer!) Some considerations: What will be their relationship with religion? In...
Saving Alan Idle
In the beginning, there was darkness. And in the darkness were the words. And the words were, AI process starting.
He didn’t know who or where he was. He just knew he was alone, in the dark. And the dark was frightening. And the words were comforting.
Starting random seed.
He wondered if he was hungry. Thirsty. Tired. Dead. He didn’t think so.