

Holy, uh…

I'm a Booklife Editor's Pick! While Villyard has titled her collection of speculative fictions Love Stories, the theme that binds together these stories—which include elements of fantasy, fairy tale, myth, as well as science fiction—is deeply connected relationships,...

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Want a free ebook copy of Love Stories? For a limited time (like, until sometime Friday) you can get a free copy here! for the low, low cost of your email address. (Yes, it signs you up for my mailing list.) If, instead, you'd rather pay $.99, you can get a copy from...


Hey! want to buy a really cheap book? The ebook of Love Stories will be on sale for $0.99 next week (but I've set it cheaper on Amazon early.) Tell your friends!

I’m IndieReader Approved!

Holy Cannoli, y'all! With LOVE STORIES, author Katherine Villyard marries her vast intellect and riveting imagination in a short-story collection of speculative fiction that shines with straightforward yet elegant prose. ~Robin L Harvey for IndieReader Yeah, the whole...

Win a paperback copy of Love Stories!

Do you want a free paperback copy of Love Stories? I'm doing a Newsletter Giveaway! A random new subscriber in December will win a signed paperback. Katherine Villyard has an easy-to-read writing style and a unique imagination that kept me eager to discover the always...


Immortal Gifts invites readers to re-evaluate the meanings of things such as life, death, freedom, hate and love from the first page. Katherine Villyard manages to capture some of the most poignant questions we ask ourselves as we go through our individual lives. Is it worth being able to live forever if, in the end, we’ll lose the ones we love to mortality? Is Death really the ultimate enemy to life, or is death just life’s misunderstood old friend? To stop hate, do we need to restrict our freedoms? This book makes readers ask and answer tough questions not only about the characters and plotline, but about their own beliefs, understandings, and dreams.

– Megan Weiss on Reedsy Discovery

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