

Woe is me!

My neighbor's tree decided to play an April Fools joke on me... and my roof. I was sitting in my living room minding my own business when BOOM!!!!!! followed by cats racing around like lunatics, because, as you know, Bob, cats dislike loud noises and are easily...

Book Club

No drabbles here, no,I was sick and overworked.Sorry about that. “Vampire Nightclubs”? Back in my day, we didn’t go to nightclubs. There were pubs, and gentlemen’s clubs that were NOT what you think of when I say that phrase today, dances, the opera, the theater. I...

Tongue in Cheek Novel Comps

I'm just joking... unless it makes you want to read my book. In that case, I'm DEATHLY SERIOUS. 😉 Interview with the Vampire as written by Faye Kellerman A Discovery of Witches for feminist Jews Only Lovers Left Alive but with a mortal wife and pets instead of a...

Medical Advice

If you take a left turn off the subway platform, you’ll find a secret door. The door will open for a gift of silver. Once through, you’ll find that you’re outside in a magenta twilight, with lush, fragrant flowers and strange, beautiful animals. Leave them be. Follow...

College Roomies

My university roommate smells like a wet dog. I, on the other hand, rush to my classes under an umbrella and stay up all night studying, while she snores. Our suitemate often shows up with dishes of food. We don’t know where she got them. I don’t eat, of course, but...

The End

Their lives are so short. Can you believe that at one point, this was illegal? Emily would have had to carry on with broken hips, trashed kidneys, a heart condition that makes surgical intervention impossible. Emily deserved more than this kind of suffering. Which is...


Immortal Gifts invites readers to re-evaluate the meanings of things such as life, death, freedom, hate and love from the first page. Katherine Villyard manages to capture some of the most poignant questions we ask ourselves as we go through our individual lives. Is it worth being able to live forever if, in the end, we’ll lose the ones we love to mortality? Is Death really the ultimate enemy to life, or is death just life’s misunderstood old friend? To stop hate, do we need to restrict our freedoms? This book makes readers ask and answer tough questions not only about the characters and plotline, but about their own beliefs, understandings, and dreams.

– Megan Weiss on Reedsy Discovery

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