

What social media do you think I should be on?

This has been a vexed question for me for some time now! I asked a buddy who's in marketing and she didn't know, either. So, as some of you know, I deleted my first Facebook a few years ago. I really enjoyed it, but I was also very angry about Cambridge Analytica, and...


My audiobook is LIVE and available RIGHT NOW! You can get your copy here. Would you like a review copy? You can apply for one here. I have codes for both the US and the UK. I got the incredibly talented Kyle Akers from the No Sleep Podcast to read it, and he's...

Goodreads Giveaway!

Do you want a free Kindle copy of Love Stories? If you're on Goodreads, you can enter the giveaway here. And if you're not on Goodreads, why not? 😀 You can follow me on Goodreads, and I really do hang out there... Goodreads Book Giveaway Love Stories by Katherine...

Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading

Meet the Broads of Broad Universe! The authors of Broad Universe will drop you into their fictional universes with short readings from multiple authors and works. Within the session you will hear a variety of writers in a variety of speculative fiction subgenres, like...

AI Art for my Novel in Progress

The other night, my sister and I were goofing around on Zoom, like one does, and she showed me an AI art generator. Here are some of the characters: Of course, since they're AI art, the hands are cursed, but... <3 (If you crave more character images, you can always...


Now that I've received the 15 minute checkpoint it feels real enough to talk about, so... I'm having an audiobook of Love Stories produced. I'm excited! as the 15 minute checkpoint was FIRE, man. FIRE! Fans of Escape Pod will be pleased. Also fans of The No Sleep...

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