Countries where I have sold books!
I plan to update this when I get new reports, but... via TravelMapCreator... Australia Belarus Canada Germany India New Zealand United Kingdom United States of America
Goodreads Giveaway!
Are you on Goodreads? I have yet another giveaway happening now! Go, enter!
On drinking, etc.
Scalzi linked to his post on why he doesn't drink or do drugs here. His daughter Athena recently posted on the subject as well. Disclaimer: I enjoy the occasional beer or glass of wine! Unlike John, my parents were not in recovery. My mother did not have a drinking...
Link Roundup
I was interviewed by IndieReader! Get the answers to burning questions such as "what inspired you to write Immortal Gifts?" and "Do you have any advice for your fellow Indies?" (Of course I do! Shall I take them naming the post after my advice as an endorsement? 😀 )...
How do Indie authors get reviews?
Short answer: How much money do you have? 😉 Long answer: There are lots of places to get reviews for your book! even if you're self-published. Editorial reviews: There are some big names from the traditional publishing world that will happily review your book for,...
The Vampire and Jewish History
Some people are going to look at the title of this blog post and wince. I feel you. I do! If you don't know about blood libel, well. Suffice to say that my book's premise will be seen as, um, questionable in some circles. I mean, it's not forbidden or anything, but...
Immortal Gifts invites readers to re-evaluate the meanings of things such as life, death, freedom, hate and love from the first page. Katherine Villyard manages to capture some of the most poignant questions we ask ourselves as we go through our individual lives. Is it worth being able to live forever if, in the end, we’ll lose the ones we love to mortality? Is Death really the ultimate enemy to life, or is death just life’s misunderstood old friend? To stop hate, do we need to restrict our freedoms? This book makes readers ask and answer tough questions not only about the characters and plotline, but about their own beliefs, understandings, and dreams.