
Obituary spam

There is a special circle of hell for people who spam obituaries. As it turns out, I have a modest talent for obituaries.  (Also job references, and for the same reason:  I’m good at finding unique good things about people and saying them.)  Unfortunately, I...

I haz a Goodreads listing nao.

I <3 Goodreads.  I like categorizing my books and tracking them;  it appeals to my unused library degree.  Also, much as they suspect, my friends have similar reading tastes. Here’s my author page on Goodreads.  Most of the stories are available via the...

So, um, I have this friend… *shifty eyes*

So, I have this friend *cough* who had a domain controller that needed a new motherboard. Due to the excitement of the hardware vendor’s tech forgetting to reattach the RAID, then the server no longer recognizing its network cards, and then the tech realizing...


Nice! RT @geekg0dd3ss: Was hired to take care of 9TB+ of SQL Server data and wrote a script that’s in the server image of a major bank. — Microsoft Careers (@MicrosoftJobs) December 29, 2012 And how do I feel about...

Generic Backups

I support developers.  In our dev/QA environment, people add, delete, and change the recovery model of databases all the time without telling me.  How do I keep track of which databases need to be backed up? I don’t.  I back up everything. Master has information...

Thanksgiving Gluttony

Yum, Nagios gluttony! I’m donating Nagios monitoring to a couple of nonprofits, and this brings up how Nagios configurations grow.  In short, you learn over time what you need to keep an eye on. For example:  On one nonprofit, someone forgot to renew the domain...

Your Halloween Scare

South Carolina Department of Revenue hacked: South Carolina state officials announced Friday evening that the social security numbers of some 3.6 million state residents and 387,000 credit and debit card numbers were exposed in a data breach. The SSNs were stored...

The Broad Universe Sampler

It’s got me and a lot of other awesome women in it, and it’s FREE.  Check out Broad Spectrum: The 2012 Broad Universe Fiction Sampler.  My story starts: Last time this happened, I was Orpheus. Ethan was lost, pale, gone in a haze of Zoloft and Lithium and...

Seekrit Message to a Friend

You didn’t get this from me.  You downloaded it off the internet. In fact, why don’t I turn that bunch of scripts into a series of jobs and give it to you as one big lump?  (Download.) How to use: Load file into SQL Server Management Studio. Replace all...

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