Link Roundup

Link Roundup

I was interviewed by IndieReader! Get the answers to burning questions such as “what inspired you to write Immortal Gifts?” and “Do you have any advice for your fellow Indies?” (Of course I do! Shall I take them naming the post after my advice...

How do Indie authors get reviews?

Short answer: How much money do you have? 😉 Long answer: There are lots of places to get reviews for your book! even if you’re self-published. Editorial reviews: There are some big names from the traditional publishing world that will happily review your book...
The Vampire and Jewish History

The Vampire and Jewish History

Some people are going to look at the title of this blog post and wince. I feel you. I do! If you don’t know about blood libel, well. Suffice to say that my book’s premise will be seen as, um, questionable in some circles. I mean, it’s not forbidden...
Goodreads Giveaway!

I love this review!

From Junia on NetGalley: When I started reading this book, I knew it was a vampire story, but I didn’t expect to find the most original vampire story I’ve ever seen.The story is told through three characters: Abraham, a Jewish vampire who loves animals;...

My Arisia Panels

Are you going to Arisia? I am! Faiths of Fantasy and the Future January 17, 2025, 5:30pm Harvard Square, Duration: 60 mins How can writers incorporate contemporary or invented belief systems into fantasy or future worlds, without replicating cliches about clergy,...

Year in Review

Yeah, one of those. 😉 I queried my novel. Yeah! I started in January and kept going for half a year. It was an interesting experience, but the next book is not really something they will be interested in. I’ll keep them in mind for my next standalone. I fully...

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