I woke up–slept in, ’cause I was up late upgrading–wandered over to the computer, and pressed the power button. It ran through the startup process into a black screen.
Luckily, escape at the grub menu, running the recovery mode, and picking xfix solved my problem. It looks like I’m not alone, so, you know. Word to the wise.
Also, Firefox 3 won’t take my del.icio.us extension, but I can use the bookmarklet.
I have no idea what any of that means. 🙂 Ubuntu? del.icio.us? xfix? But more power to you for, uh, whatever you did. 😉
Ubuntu is a linux distribution (free software!), del.icio.us is a social bookmarking site, and xfix is a menu-driven thing in recovery mode. I just uploaded a screenshot to flickr.