
Are you going to Arisia? I am!

Faiths of Fantasy and the Future

January 17, 2025, 5:30pm

Harvard Square, Duration: 60 mins

How can writers incorporate contemporary or invented belief systems into fantasy or future worlds, without replicating cliches about clergy, faith, and spiritual practice?

Anne E.G. Nydam, BH Pierce, Greer Gilman, Katherine Villyard, Walter H. Hunt (moderator)

Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading

January 18, 2025, 1:45pm

Porter Square B, Duration: 60 mins

Come discover your new favorite writer as members of Broad Universe read short excerpts from their work. Each writer has just a few minutes to show you what we’re capable of! We offer chocolate and the chance to win prizes. Broad Universe is an international organization that supports women and other non-privileged gender writers, editors, and publishers. 

Anne E.G. Nydam, Carol Gyzander, Clara Ward, Dianna Sanchez, E. C. Ambrose (moderator), Katherine Villyard, Kathryn Sullivan, LJ Cohen, Randee Dawn, Sarena Straus

I hope to see you there! Come say hi to me!

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