
I’ve been querying my novel for about two months now, and so far it’s basically emailing out or pasting into Query Manager and waiting, punctuated by surprisingly nice form letters. I mean, I got A LOT of rejections sending out my short stories (and also sold ten), so… On the one hand, a novel is a bigger time investment than a short story. On the other, I mean. I once submitted a short story to a place that heckled you if they rejected your story.

(I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t angry when an editor heckled my story. That said, I didn’t stop writing and instead decided that maybe that particular market didn’t need my work.)

So, speaking as someone who’s been heckled: agents sure are nice when they say no. 😀

(I will decline to give specifics of whether or not I am making headway so as not to jinx the process.)

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