
I wrote these in PowerShell to run with nrpe/nsclient.  They query Dell OpenManage’s command line and return a Nagios-readable result.

(There are plugins available on Nagios Exchange, but they all seemed to be… more than I wanted.  I just wanted to know, “Is my RAID okay?”  Because whenever I’ve had an Event, I like to monitor for that event happening again.)

This checks the Physical Disks in the array.  If one or more disks reports anything other than OK, it alerts:

$status = 0; omreport storage pdisk controller=0 | Where-Object {$_ -match "^status"} | %{if($_ -notlike "*OK*"){$status=2}}

If ($status -eq 0) {
Write-Host "OK:  Physical Disks report OK"
} else {
Write-Host "CRITICAL:  Check OpenManage"
exit $status

You might have to edit the scripts to check Virtual Disk health.  It could probably be made more elegant, but it suits my purposes.

This script checks the health of my C drive (vdisk 0):

omreport storage vdisk controller=0 vdisk=0 | ?{$_ -match "^status"} | %{$status=0}{if($_ -notlike "*OK*"){$status=2}}

If ($status -eq 0) {
Write-Host "OK:  Virtual Disk (OS) reports OK"
} else {
Write-Host "CRITICAL:  Check OpenManage"
exit $status

This script checks the health of my data drive (E, vdisk 1):

omreport storage vdisk controller=0 vdisk=1 | ?{$_ -match "^status"} | %{$status=0}{if($_ -notlike "*OK*"){$status=2}}

If ($status -eq 0) {
Write-Host "OK:  Virtual Disk (data) reports OK"
} else {
Write-Host "CRITICAL:  Check OpenManage"
exit $status

Running these involves adding lines like this to the external script section of nsclient.ini or equivalent:

check_physicaldisk = cmd /c echo scripts\\pdiskcheck.ps1; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -command -

check_virtualdisk = cmd /c echo scripts\\vdiskcheck.ps1; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -command -

And lines like this to command.cfg in Nagios:

define command {
command_name    check_physicaldisk
command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_physicaldisk
define command {
command_name    check_CRaid
command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_virtualdisk

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