
Story sales in March: 0
Story submissions in March: 1
Story rejections in March: 1
Script queries in March: 2
Script requests in March: 0
Script query rejections in March: 1
Script queries with no response written off in March: 11
Script contest entries in March: 0
Total story sales to date: 3
Total story rejections to date: 80
Current stories in circulation: 4
Current number of scripts in contests: 3
Current number of script queries out: 2 (I’m a slacker!)
First novel status: Revised extensively in March (NaNoEdMo), on hiatus. I need a break. I do think it’s improved, though.

I got a bunch of critiques for the hurricane story, but am expecting more next weekend (yay!), so I’m going to wait and revise after I get those.

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