
ATTENTION ASPIRING WRITERS! In our online chat with Executive Producer Michael Piller on February 3, he made the following statement:

“If you know my background on Star Trek, you know I was dedicated to opening the door to new writers. Unfortunately, because of a few legal claims it became impossible for the studio to continue that program of submissions. I wish I could read speculative Dead Zone scripts, but the liabilities and risks are just too great. However, I remain dedicated to helping new writers get access to this town.

“So let me make the following offer here for the first time: if you are willing to write a full Dead Zone script, and you let us know that it is done and ready to be seen, I will arrange that it be read by a legitimate literary agent in Los Angeles. If they like it, you can form your own relationship with that agent, who can introduce you to us as they would introduce us to any writer they genuinely like.

“I want to make it clear that no one on the show will be reading this material, and that this offer is restricted only to full teleplays – not for stories or ideas. Check the writer’s guide on the Web site (see below), then copy and read all the scripts we’ve posted in order to give yourself the best chance to impress an agent with your work… Please do NOT send any scripts to USA Network,, or the show.”

If you have a COMPLETED DEAD ZONE TELEPLAY (no stories, ideas, or treatments), send an e-mail to Your e-mail should include the following information only:

Full name
Mailing address
Telephone number
Proposed title of your script
Page count of your script

Please do not send a copy of your script electronically or attachments of any kind – any e-mail sent with an attachment will be deleted without being read. Once an agent is found to read your material, you will be instructed via e-mail when, where, and how to submit your material directly to that agent. Good luck!

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